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2020 Budget And By-law Changes Results

2020 Budget and By-law Changes Results

Patrick Walsh
Illinois State University
IACAC Past President

2020-2021 Budget Results

Approval of the 2020-2021 budget as proposed.


2020 By-law Changes Results

Voting Membership

Amend ARTICLE I. Membership. Section 1. Voting Membership. A. Individuals to add number 4 and move subsequent categories one number forward to maintain numerical order.

New Language:

  1. Persons who serve as school district administrators or university system administrators.

Rationale: NACAC by-laws and affiliate policy require affiliates to offer the same voting categories as NACAC. This change brings us into compliance with NACAC.


Termination of Membership

Amend ARTICLE I. Membership. Section 4. Termination of Membership. to remove language not in compliance with NACAC.

Old Language:

Membership in IACAC shall be terminated if a member fails to pay annual dues, fails to comply with the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (CEPP) of NACAC or the Statement of IACAC Practices and Courtesies, or fails to satisfy membership eligibility requirements.

New Language:

Membership in IACAC shall be terminated if a member fails to pay annual dues or fails to satisfy membership eligibility requirements.

Rationale: NACAC is requesting that affiliates remove references to compliance to and enforcement of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice from by-laws and supporting documents. Affiliates may ask members to support the CEPP but should not make compliance a condition of membership.

RESULT: YES = 427, NO = 19; PASSED

Council Teams

Amend ARTICLE V. Council Teams and Committees. Section 1. Council Teams.

Old Language:

  1. Member Relations Team will oversee the work of the following committees: Admission Practices, Government Relations, Membership, and Professional Liaison
    B. Student and Family Outreach Team will oversee the work of the following committees: Illinois College Fair Committee, National College Fair, College Awareness and Preparation (CAP)
    C. Professional Development Team will oversee the work of the following committees: District Seminars, Mentorship, Middle Management Institute, Summer Tours, Summer Institute, and Inclusion, Access and Success.

New Language:

  1. Member Relations Team will oversee the work of the following committees: Admission Practices, Government Relations, Membership, and Professional Connections.
    B. Student and Family Outreach Team will oversee the work of the following committees: College Awareness and Preparation, Illinois College Fair, National College Fair, and Scholarship.
    C. Professional Development Team will oversee the work of the following committees: District Seminars, High School Counselor Professional Development, Inclusion, Access and Success, Mentorship, Middle Management Institute, Summer Institute, Summer Tours and Transfer Advisory.

Rationale: Reflects our current standing committees under their appropriate council team and reorders the committees in alphabetical order.


Standing Committees

Amend ARTICLE V. Council Teams and Committees. Section 2. Standing Committees.

Old Language:

  1. Admission Practices Committee.
    The Admission Practices Committee shall review annually the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (CEPP) of NACAC, the NACAC Monitoring Procedures for the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (CEPP), IACAC Monitoring Procedures, and the IACAC Statement of Practices and Courtesies, and shall formulate and recommend changes to the IACAC Executive Board which shall determine whether to submit such recommendations to the NACAC Executive Board. This committee shall also be responsible for dealing with alleged infractions as defined by NACAC guidelines. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.
    B. College Awareness and Preparation (CAP) Committee.
    The College Awareness and Preparation Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing, and staffing association-sponsored activities to offer the expertise of IACAC to individuals throughout the State of Illinois who are seeking counseling and information regarding postsecondary admission and financial aid.
    C. Conference Committee.
    The Conference Committee shall have overall supervision of the plans for the execution of the Annual Conference and annual membership meeting. The chairperson shall be the President-Elect. The President will chair the Annual Membership Meeting.
    D. Credentials Committee.
    The Credentials Committee shall determine eligibility as outlined in these By-Laws for membership in IACAC; make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding criteria for membership in IACAC; investigate membership eligibility questions referred to it by the Executive Board; and review these By-Laws and recommend revisions when deemed appropriate, including revisions required to maintain their consistency with the governing documents of NACAC. The chairperson shall be the Most Recent Active Past President.
    E. District Seminars Committee.
    The District Seminars Committee shall be responsible for creating, coordinating, and implementing IACAC District Seminars in Region 1 and Region 2. These seminars will address guidance and admission concerns for high schools, community colleges, four-year colleges and universities. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.
    F. Finance Committee.
    The Finance Committee shall make budget estimates, recommend to the Executive Board investment and audit policies, administer grant programs, and supervise all other IACAC financial matters. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the creation of and selection of candidates for all salaried and stipend positions. Based on their findings, the Finance Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board for approval. The Finance Committee shall meet a minimum of twice a year and be responsible for reviewing the financial statements of IACAC. This shall include the monthly financial reports and the year-end financial statement. The Treasurer shall be the chairperson and the President, Most Recent Active Past President, President-Elect, Treasurer-Elect and Most Recent Active Past Treasurer shall be members; the Executive Assistant shall be a non-voting member.
    G. Government Relations Committee.
    The Government Relations Committee shall establish and maintain a communications network to inform IACAC members of issues evolving from the activities of other professional associations and state and federal governmental agencies; shall monitor legislative activity at the state level, and recommend relevant action to the Executive Board; and shall maintain liaison with the NACAC Government Relations Committee.
    H. High School Counselor Professional Development (HSCPD) Committee.
    The purpose of the High School Counselor Professional Development (HSCPD) Committee is to provide free professional development opportunities for counselors and college counselors throughout the state. This committee shall work to increase access and develop a network of professionals throughout the state by using video conferencing as an alternate to attending in person.
    I. Illinois College Fair Committee.
    The Illinois College Fair Committee shall be responsible for establishing the Illinois College Fair schedule, overseeing policy and procedures, promoting the Illinois Regional College Fairs, and overseeing the planning and implementation of the Articulation Unplugged program held each fall.
    J. Inclusion, Access and Success Committee.
    The Inclusion, Access and Success Committee shall develop and recommend goals which promote sensitivity to human differences and guide the expansion of equal access for all students to postsecondary educational opportunities. The committee shall plan and recommend strategies for implementing a multicultural agenda for the association.
    K. Media Communications Committee.
    The Media Communications Committee shall be responsible for increasing the visibility of IACAC and promoting its college transition programs and services through media and marketing strategies. This committee shall also be responsible for promoting use of technology within the association.
    L. Membership Committee.
    The Membership Committee shall be responsible for reviewing, developing, and recommending promotional activities for membership in IACAC. The chair/s of this committee shall oversee production of the membership directory.
    M. Mentorship Committee.
    The Mentorship Committee shall function as an outreach of IACAC to provide new and veteran members with an opportunity to form partnerships for professional development. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.
    N. Middle Management Institute (MMI) Committee.
    The Middle Management Institute Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing and staffing summer middle management training for postsecondary college admission professionals with three or more years of experience.
    O. National College Fair Committee.
    The National College Fair Committee shall be responsible for assisting the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) in planning, coordinating, implementing and staffing the NACAC College Fair(s) in Illinois. The membership of this committee shall be diverse and embrace secondary, postsecondary and community-based organizations.
    P. Nominating Committee.
    The Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate or candidates for each office to be voted on by the membership at each Annual Membership Meeting. The membership of this committee shall be as provided in Section 1 of Article IV. This committee shall be chaired by the Most Recent Active Past President.
    Q. Professional Development Grants Committee.
    The Professional Development Grants Committee shall be responsible for promoting, reviewing and awarding grants for professional development opportunities within IACAC and NACAC. This committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer.
    R. Professional Connections Committee.
    The Professional Connections Committee shall be responsible for communicating and coordinating IACAC services with like organizations, who offer expertise to individuals throughout the State of Illinois seeking counseling and information regarding postsecondary admission and financial aid. Examples of such organizations would be ISAC, ISCA, CPS, etc.
    S. Scholarship Committee.
    The Scholarship Committee shall work to solicit, evaluate and select high-achieving students for an annual scholarship. We will promote this scholarship opportunity through IACAC member high schools with the goal of representing the diversity of Illinois students.
    T. Summer Institute Committee.
    The Summer Institute Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing and staffing summer training institute(s) for secondary and postsecondary college admission counselors.
    U. Summer Tours Committee.
    The Summer Tours Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing tours to colleges for counselors involved in the college transition process.
    V. Transfer Advisory Committee.
    The Transfer Advisory Committee shall ensure that the voice and interest of transfer students and professionals working with transfer students are brought forward and heard throughout all levels of IACAC. This committee provides transfer specific professional development opportunities that serve transfer students. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.

New Language:

  1. Admission Practices
    B. College Awareness and Preparation
    C. Conference
    D. Credentials
    E. District Seminars
    F. Finance
    G. Government Relations
    H. High School Counselor Professional Development
    I. Illinois College Fair
    J. Inclusion, Access and Success
    K. Media Communications
    L. Membership
    M. Mentorship
    N. Middle Management Institute
    O. National College Fair
    P. Nominating
    Q. Professional Development Grants
    R. Professional Connections
    S. Scholarship
    T. Summer Institute
    U. Summer Tours
    V. Transfer Advisory

Rationale: By-laws should represent only the items that are foundational to the organization and should be difficult to amend. Items such as these descriptions would be better addressed in a policy document, the Leadership Manual, which can be revised and amended by the Executive Board.


Other Duties

Amend ARTICLE V. Council Teams and Committees. Remove Section 3. Other Duties. 

Old Language:

The Executive Board may assign other duties to any of the standing committees. The authority granted standing committees by these By-Laws and the Executive Board shall not be exercised in a manner which is inconsistent with Executive Board actions previously taken.

Rationale: Descriptions of duties of standing committee will no longer reside in the by-laws and will be moved to the Leadership Manual. With this removal, the subsequent items will be renumbered accordingly.


Executive Assistant

Amend ARTICLE XII. Remove Executive Assistant language.

Old Language:

The Executive Assistant shall be employed by the Executive Board to conduct the business of IACAC and to administer its headquarters office in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Executive Board and the general membership. The Executive Assistant shall serve as ex-officio (without vote) member of the Executive Board and of selected standing committees as determined by the Executive Board. The Executive Assistant shall maintain the historical records of IACAC.

Rationale: By-laws should represent only the items that are foundational to the organization. The organization has added two additional employees without changes to the by-laws. Employees and their duties should be included in the Leadership Manual.



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