2023-2024 Committee Chairs
Brian Hodges, Past President
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Credentials Committee shall determine eligibility as outlined in the By-Laws for membership in IACAC; make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding criteria for membership in IACAC; investigate membership eligibility questions referred to it by the Executive Board; and review the By-Laws and recommend revisions when deemed appropriate, including revisions required to maintain their consistency with the governing documents of NACAC.
The Credentials Committee meets in late-January or early-February to review the by-laws and propose any needed amendments to the Executive Board and membership. The Board votes to recommend the amendments at the March meeting, and the Membership votes to approve them at the Annual Membership Meeting at the spring conference.
There will be multiple emails leading up to and in preparation for the January meeting on as well as following the January meeting. The proposed by-law changes will need to be complete by March 1 in order to receive IACAC Executive Board approval and then to present to membership in advance of the May membership meeting at the Annual Conference.
Each committee member will be expected to review information within the by-laws.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Credentials Committee determine what changes in the By-Laws will be presented to the Membership for approval?
The Credentials Committee seeks to maintain consistency with the NACAC By-Laws when possible and reviews the work of the Executive Board and Committees in order to accurately reflect current practices. Language and grammatical accuracy are sometimes adjusted during By-Law reviews.