Candidates for Delegate Director – Postsecondary 2017-2018
Elect two:
Ziggy Blackwell
Assistant Director of Admission
Illinois College
- B.A., English, Illinois College
- M.Ed. in Counseling, DePaul University
IACAC Member: 12 years

IACAC Activities:
- Executive Board (College Director, 2010–2012)
- College Awareness and Preparation Committee Chair (2010–2012)
- North Central District Seminar Committee Chair (2010)
- Annual Conference Program Committee Chair (2011)
- College Awareness and Preparation Committee Member (2010–present)
- Government Relations Committee Member (2012–present)
- Inclusion, Access and Success Committee Member (2016–present)
- Mentorship Committee Member (2008–2011)
- Annual Conference Registration Committee (2008)
- Annual Conference Hospitality Committee (2007)
- Annual Conference Entertainment Committee (2008–2010)
- Annual Conference Evaluation Committee (2007–2008)
- James A. Alexander Newcomer Award, Recipient (2010)
NACAC Activities:
- Member 6 Years
- Annual Conference (2010, 2014)
Other Professional Activities:
- College Board Enrollment Leadership Academy
Considering the recently adopted strategic plan for IACAC, what do you hope to achieve within this role as it pertains to the objectives of the new plan?
Goal 1 of the strategic plan for IACAC is to increase and diversify membership. If elected to the executive board, I hope to expand IACAC membership within Chicago Public Schools. Historically this group represents a small percentage of our membership and I believe CPS could take advantage of the many professional development programs, while IACAC could benefit through increased collaboration of ideas from a broader membership. Recently, I’ve joined a new IACAC Ad Hoc committee which is exploring ideas to accomplish this goal.
Moving forward, I feel a role on the executive board combined with my relationships within CPS will help implement these initiatives by the 2018 strategic plan goal.
If elected, what experiences, skills, and qualities do you bring to this specific position?
I’ve been a member of IACAC for over a decade. I bring a strong knowledge of the organization and how it is governed. I’ve served on the executive board, chaired committees and collaborated with many members to plan signature programs such as Motivate Me, Camp College, and District Seminars. Whether in a leadership role or as an active member, my involvement has always been consistent and reliable. Although there is more to learn, I believe these experiences have prepared me for the duties of a Delegate Director.
Zachary George
Associate Director of Admission–Chicago Regional
DePauw University
- B.A. in Music Education, Augustana College (2008)
IACAC Member: 9 years

IACAC Activities:
- Chair, IACAC Inclusion, Access and Success Committee (IAS) (2016–present)
- Chair, IACAC Middle Management Institute (2014–2016)
- Chair, IACAC Mentorship Committee (2012–2013)
- Chair, IACAC Annual Conference Entertainment Committee (2011, 2012)
- Committee Member, IACAC Summer Institute (2012, 2015, 2016, 2017)
- Committee Member, IACAC Media Communication (2012–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Middle Management Institute (2013–2016)
- Committee Member, IACAC Inclusion Committee (2013–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Government Relations Committee (2013–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Media Communications Committee (2014–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Mentorship Committee (2013–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Scholarship Committee (2015–present)
- Committee Member, IACAC Conference Program Committee (2017)
- Recipient: IACAC James Alexander Newcomer Award (2013)
- Annual Conference Presenter (2012, 2013, 2016, 2017)
NACAC Activities:
- Member 3 Years
- Committee Member: NACAC Annual Conference Program Committee (2017)
- NACAC conference attendee (2013, 2016)
Other Professional Activities:
- CARR Member (2016–present)
- CARR Treasurer (2016–present)
- Huge O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminary, Programming Chair (2013–2016)
Considering the recently adopted strategic plan for IACAC, what do you hope to achieve within this role as it pertains to the objectives of the new plan?
The strategic plan that we have currently serves as a framework for committee chairs and liaisons, but I’d like for the understanding and implementation of it to apply to all members of our association. Membership numbers are not just a reflection of the board, but of all members. With more members, we have more fruitful conversations. Budget responsibility should be considered at all levels, as well, so that we are equally using your membership dues to provide services that are applicable to the work that you do. Educational opportunities should be planned with every voice at the table, and should consider all populations- member, non member, undocumented, LGBTQ, from one tip of the state to the other. Our brand is one that we should all wear with pride, as we should all be proud of the work that Illinois champions as it relates to advancing our profession. We should advocate for Illinois ACAC to be called upon as it relates to legislation being passed, decisions being made at the local level, or national decisions being discussed that affect our students that we serve daily. In essence, I’d like to move the conversation from “board members thinking of the strategic plan” to “all members engaged with the strategic plan”.
If elected, what experiences, skills, and qualities do you bring to this specific position?
I’ve spent nine years in this profession, and the better part of six years getting immersed in the many committees that our association provides. I’ve become a better staff member, a better advocate and a better person because of all that IACAC has exposed me to within this profession. And in return of all that IACAC provides for me, I will bring a passion, an understanding and deep commitment to serving as your NACAC Delegate. Passion, understanding and commitment aren’t tangible things that you can quantify, so I’ll bring even more. I’ll bring your voice to the NACAC table. As delegates, we are charged with speaking on behalf of the association, and I hope to engage with the challenges and rewards that you encounter on a day to day basis to the NACAC level so that Illinois can continue to be a driving force within the profession. I’ll bring the knowledge of the ‘systems’—both at the National level, and within our state level, of what we can do to progress specific thoughts and ideas to move forward. Just as we championed The Undocumented Guide, the Middle Management Institute and the Sharing the Dream Conference, you all bring great ideas and commitments, and I’ll be the ears to listen and the voice to advocate within our association to move these ideas forward with the support of the Illinois ACAC Board, and the NACAC community.
Carlene Klaas
Dean of Undergraduate Admission
DePaul University
- B.S.C. in Management, DePaul University
- M.B.A. in Marketing, DePaul University
IACAC Member: 22 years

IACAC Activities:
- Conference Presenter (2000, 2003, 2005, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
- Summer Institute Attendee (1994)
- Summer Institute Committee (1998, 2006, 2007)
- Summer Institute Presenter (1996, 1997)
- Admission Practices Committee (2013–present)
- Admission Practices Co-Chair (2014–2016)
- Annual Conference Committee (1996–2007)
- Conference Exhibit Committee Co-Chair (2004, 2005)
- First-Timers Committee (1998)
- Credentials Committee (2006–2007)
- Nominations Committee (2006–2007)
- District Seminar Committee (2000)
- Middle Management Institute Presenter (2011, 2012, 2013)
NACAC Activities:
- Member (1994–present, 22 years)
- National Conference Attendee (1994–present minus one or two years)
- National Conference Presenter (2007, 2011)
- Attended National Admission Practices meetings as IL AP Co-Chair
Other Professional Activities:
- NACAC Management Experience in College Admission (2002)
- Harvard Summer Institute on College Admission (2003)
- MAFSA Summer Institute on Financial Aid (2005)
- College Board National Forum Planning Committee (2004)
- IECA National Conference Presenter
- Attendee of multiple professional conferences: ACT Enrollment Planners, College Board, Midwest Regional Forum, Slate
Considering the recently adopted strategic plan for IACAC, what do you hope to achieve within this role as it pertains to the objectives of the new plan?
I am a strong proponent of the value of educational opportunities and outreach. Several years ago, I looked at the list of IRCF (called ICE Fairs at the time) and saw a gap. There wasn’t one offered in the City of Chicago. I reached out to Carin Smith and, as a result, we started hosting a fair at DePaul University and have every year since then. Similarly, we’ve been in discussions with IACAC and CPS about hosting a district seminar at DePaul, in hopes of providing an opportunity for more CPS counselors to attend. DePaul has also hosted Middle Management Institute, Summer Institute, and Bus/Plane O’Fun. As a member of the IACAC executive board, I would look for similar opportunities to offer additional professional development to those in our profession and ways to serve those who would benefit from the expertise of our members.
If elected, what experiences, skills, and qualities do you bring to this specific position?
It would be an honor to represent IACAC at the national level, by serving as Postsecondary Delegate Director. I have worked in the higher education industry for 22 years. I have served IACAC in multiple capacities over the course of my career and have encouraged and supported countless members of my staff to get involved. My very first meeting with new staff includes a discussion of the importance of professional development and IACAC being a great avenue for that. I know the value of this organization for all of us as professionals, but also for the students we serve. My current role as Dean of Undergraduate Admission at DePaul University, which I’ve served in since 2007, requires me to stay abreast of trends in our industry and the effect of those trends on the work we do. This experience and knowledge of the industry is extremely beneficial to have for those representing IACAC at the national level. My position also requires that I approach situations with an open mind, encourage new ideas, develop and implement solutions and ensure that we are meeting the needs of both the University and those we serve. I would bring those same skills to the role of Postsecondary Delegate Director—listening to issues presented with an open mind, proposing possible solutions and considering all sides (students, counselors, colleges/universities). My work over the past four years on IACAC’s admission practices committee is very connected to what is happening at the national level and has afforded me the opportunity to participate in conversations with the NACAC admission practices committee, giving me valuable insight into where the tensions lie in our profession. Those who work with me on a daily basis would say that I am diligent, driven, committed, thoughtful and level-headed. If I take on a challenge or commit to something, I see it through to fruition. If selected as Postsecondary Delegate Director, I will do my absolute best to be a strong representative of IACAC at the national level.
Shawn Wochner
Admissions Representative
College of DuPage
- B.A. in Public Communication and Human Relations
- M.B.A. in Human Resource Management
- M.B.A. in Business Management
IACAC Member: 9 years

IACAC Activities:
- Transfer Advisory Committee Co-Chair (July 2015–present)
- Conference Entertainment Committee Co-Chair (2016–17)
- Annual Conference Presenter (2011–present)
- Credential Committee Member (2011–12, 2014–15, 2016–present)
- Membership Committee Member (2014–15, 2015–16)
- Government Relations Committee Member (2012–2016)
- IACAC Executive Board – Council Team Director (2013–2015)
- Conference Program Committee (2014–15)
- Illinois College Fair Committee (2012–15)
- Middle Management Institute (2013)
- Mentorship Committee Co-Chair (2012–13)
- Conference First Timers Committee Co-Chair (2012–13)
- Summer Institute Committee Member (2012–13)
- On-Site Chair for Macomb Area Regional College Fair (2012–13)
- James A Alexander Newcomer Award Recipient (2012)
- Conference On-Site Committee Co-Chair (2011–12)
- Summer Institute Committee Co-Chair (2010–11)
- Conference Registration and Hospitality Committee Member (2009–11)
NACAC Activities:
- Member 7 years
- 2014 Annual Conference, 2017 Conference Proposal Reviewer
- Annual Conference Presenter, 2017
Other Professional Activities:
- CARR Member (2008–16), CARR Secretary (2011–13), REACh Member (2016–17)
Considering the recently adopted strategic plan for IACAC, what do you hope to achieve within this role as it pertains to the objectives of the new plan?
As a NACAC Delegate – Post Secondary, a primary responsibility is to carry out the mission and vision of IACAC while working to accomplish the goals of the Strategic Plan. Each of the five goals within the Strategic Plan are important to the validity and sustainability of IACAC.I will do everything I can during the three-year term to ensure that the IACAC Strategic Plan is accomplished.
There are a couple of goals that I would personally set out to accomplish during the term. First, I would infuse the voices of community college and transfer students as well as the professionals who work with them more intentionally into the Executive Board meetings.
Second, due to the political climate we are currently living in, I would like to work with the Government Relations Committee to have a larger role in advocating for issues and policies that are important to our membership. I would encourage the committee Co-Chairs and IACAC Board Members to meet more regularly with key Legislators in both Springfield and Washington DC. Making our voices heard throughout the year will give our association more credibility and visibility.
While our membership is looking to be up this year, I would work hard to increase the representation from community college and four-year transfer admission professionals. These professionals need IACAC and IACAC needs them. I have helped to start this process, along with the IACAC Transfer Advisory Ad-Hoc Committee, and hope to see the membership in this area continue to grow as the professional development opportunities continue to expand.
If elected, what experiences, skills, and qualities do you bring to this specific position?
I have several experiences, skills and qualities that I will bring to the NACAC Delegate-Post Secondary position. The experiences that I’ve had over my nine years of service to IACAC through committee work and serving as a Council Team Director have lead me to be; analytical, persistent, empowering, fiscally conscious, innovative, visionary, compassionate and dedicated to serving and representing the students of Illinois as well as the members of IACAC.
I will bring a knowledge of the challenges, concerns and issues facing community college admission representatives and academic advisors as well as Transfer Coordinators and transfer admission representatives at the four-year institutions. I have served on both sides of the transfer desk as a Transfer Coordinator for Western Illinois University and now as an Admissions Representative for College of DuPage. My unique perspective would provide a voice for those who work in or personally experience the transfer process. I will work diligently to not only represent these voices, but those of all students going through the college search process and those professionals who work so hard on their behalf.