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Member Spotlight: January 2022

Member Spotlight: January 2022

This month’s Member Spotlight features Mackenzie Gora, Graduate Student Intern at West Leyden High School.

How long have you worked in counseling?
6 months

How did you get into counseling?
I always knew that I wanted to work in education at some capacity. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of college that I took a counseling psychology course and realized that this was the profession I was always looking for.

How long have you been an IACAC member?
1 year

How have you been involved in IACAC?
I am a member of the HSCPD, and led a presentation in the December Counselor Camp.

What do you love most about your job?
I love how different every day is – you never experience the same exact situation twice and it can definitely keep you on your toes.

What is the most common college process concern you see among your students today?
Filling out the FAFSA. A lot of our students have parents who are undocumented or are undocumented themselves, and filling out the legal documents can sometimes bring up fears and concerns.

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