Reflecting On What Matters
By Aseret Loveland, Illinois Valley Community College
I had the pleasure of attending the 2016 Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling annual conference. This experience was especially beneficial since I recently transitioned into a new position at Illinois Valley Community College.
I really enjoyed the session titled Reimagine the Experience: 7 Ways to Delight Your Future Students. This session allowed me to reflect on current recruitment efforts and assess what really matters to students and families. I enjoyed learning more about value proposition meaning making for Millennials and Generation Z. The biggest take away for me was sharing passion with prospects and inviting them to get excited about their future.

Attending the IACAC conference was an incredible opportunity to learn more about the profession. A special thank you to the IACAC committee members for a job well done! I sincerely look forward to attending more IACAC professional development opportunities in the future.