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Achieving The Dream

Achieving the Dream

Dream Act, Inclusion Access and Success

By Mayra Lagunas, University of Illinois
Inclusion, Access, and Success Committee Member

While the forecast for immigration reform remains uncertain, the Inclusion, Access, and Success Committee continues to take strides to better serve undocumented students. The most recent endeavor has taken the form of an updated resource website. Dreamers, as they have come to be known, will now have access to information regarding new policies and key services that may facilitate college advising and provide support for their higher education attainment goals.

Most notable among the updates is comprehensive literature regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which includes a toolkit for educators. If approved for DACA, an individual qualifies to remain in the U.S. without fear of deportation. Eligible individuals are also sanctioned to obtain legal employment and a social security number. The toolkit specifically outlines that DACA approval, regardless of a legal social security number, does NOT make a student eligible for federal or state aid. As a reminder, undocumented students may be eligible for in-state tuition provided they complete a residency affidavit, per Illinois State Law, HB0060.

We solicit your help in our attempt to restructure the website by providing the most current information your institution offers for undocumented students and their advocates. By updating your profiles, individuals will be able to easily identify colleges and universities within the U.S. that welcome undocumented students on their campuses. A list of participating institutions can be found under, “2 and 4-Year College and University Information.”

As the committee purpose states, our mission is to advance inclusion for underserved students and the educational professionals who guide them. Your contributions to our website are vital to our commitment and we thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact Aliza Gilbert or Mayra S. Lagunas.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in supporting others to continue to Dream.

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