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Executive Board Nominations & Re-Structuring

My husband is fond of saying in regards to being a parent, “it’s the toughest job you’ll ever love – and not get a weekly paycheck!” I have often felt the same about my opportunity to serve on the IACAC Executive Board – it is an incredibly rewarding experience, certainly tough at times and the “pay” is….well, non-existent. We are all volunteers; we willingly give of our time, our talents, our passion and our concern for others and what we believe to be best for the students and families we serve.


Any IACAC member can nominate any individual (or themselves) for the opportunity to run for a seat on the IACAC Executive Board. Nominations (which closed this year on January 12) are forwarded to a Nominations Committee (this year’s committee consists of 9 individuals) which – according to IACAC By-Laws – is chaired by the IACAC Past-President. The Nominations Committee is then charged with considering all nominations and putting forth a slate for approval by the Executive Board, to be voted on by the IACAC membership at the May general membership meeting. The Nominations Committee is usually comprised of a diverse group of individuals, with varying experience and from different parts of the state. The committee works hard to present a slate that is equally diverse in nature; the deeper the pool of candidates, the easier this is to accomplish. As with everything IACAC-related, checks and balances exist throughout this process- members nominate, the Nominations Committee puts together the slate of candidates, the Executive Board approves the slate and the general membership does the electing.

Board Structure

This year, IACAC members will be considering (and voting on) a re-structuring of the IACAC Executive Board. Should this proposal be approved, the positions of Professional Development Director, High School Director and College Director will morph into the position of Council Director. It is the opinion of the Board Re-structuring Committee and Executive Board that the new structure will allow for the following positive changes:

  • increased opportunity for nurturing future organization leaders
  • increased opportunity for delegates to contribute and lead beyond their assembly responsibilities
  • more flexibility provided to the Executive Board to place Delegates and Directors into Council  positions where they have a particular expertise or wish to gain more expertise
  • less time “out-of-the-office” required for Council members, which we hope will allow more individuals (particularly those from the downstate area and high school side of the desk) the opportunity to run for Council positions.

Lots of information about the Board Restructuring proposal can be found in past articles published in the Admissions Essay newsletter (including a very detailed organizational diagram). An informational session (with ample time to ask questions) will take place on Wednesday, May 2 at the Annual Conference. Feel free to contact members of either the Board Restructuring Committee or Nominations Committee with questions. And finally, a side-by-side comparison of the current board structure and the structure being proposed is as follows:

Board Restructure Comparison

Carin Smith
IACAC Past President
Lawrence University

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