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Report from the Chief Delegate: 2010 NACAC Assembly

Attendees at the AssemblyStatement of Principles of Good Practice

The Assembly adopted proposed changes to the Statement of Principles of Good Practice: Education, Monitoring Policies, and Procedures submitted by the National Admissions Practices Committee.  The changes outline steps to refer cases from the affiliate AP Committees to NACAC, clearly state the range of possible penalties for noncompliance, and update routine language such as “state and regional” to “affiliate” and “accused” to “noncompliant party.

The Assembly approved the subsequent change to SPGP Best Practices Article I.E. Replaced the words “specializing in standardized testing” with the words “that are independent of companies that sponsor the test, test preparation activities or have stated positions for or against test usage” to read:

All members should: educate staff in understanding the concepts of test measurement, test interpretation, and test use so they may consider standardized tests in their appropriate context.  Such education may be obtained from NACAC, institutions of higher education, or other associations that are independent of companies that sponsor the test or test preparation activities or have stated positions for or against test usage.  In addition, all members that make use of admission tests should acquire education and/or training in the appropriate use of specific tests from the sponsoring agencies.


The following candidates were elected to the NACAC Board of Directors:

President-elect (2010-2013)

Evelyn Boyd White, guidance coordinator, Thomas Dale High School (VA)

Directors (2010-2013)

Jeff Fuller
director of student recruitment
University of Houston (TX)
Phil Kimrey
vice president student affairs & enrollment management
Samford University (AL)
Michael Pelly
vice chancellor for enrollment management
Chapman University (CA)
Deborah Santiago
vice president for policy and research
¡Excelencia in Education! (Washington, DC)

Read more about these individuals from NACAC: Press Release

New Business

The Assembly approved two recommendations to the NACAC Board of Directors.  The first asks the National AP Committee spend one year investigating the establishment of a national transfer reply date and bring a possible proposal to amend the SPGP on this topic for a vote by the 2011 NACAC Assembly.  The second requests the NACAC Board of Directors to take action to consider the development of best practices and guidelines to determine fee waiver eligibility for fees charged in the college admission process, and provide a progress report to the Assembly at its annual meeting in 2011.  The Board of Directors also noted a strong interest in researching the topic of “agents” in international admissions.

A special thanks to all of the Illinois delegates for all of their time and hard work over the last several months.

2010 Annual Membership Meeting

During the NACAC Annual Membership Meeting, NACAC voting members met and approved several bylaw amendments.  All proposed amendments to Article IX regarding Assembly structure were adopted. Assembly will now target a total number of 200 delegates.  Each affiliate receives two delegates plus additional delegates based on the proportion of voting NACAC members in each affiliate on census day.  The census date will occur every three years on March 1 to provide stability to affiliates electing new delegates.  The proposed amendment to Article III. Membership 5c section 2 was also approved.  For a detailed report on each amendment, please refer to the October 13th NACAC Bulletin under Governance Report of the 2010 Annual Membership Meeting.

Patrick Walsh
Chief Delegate
Illinois State University

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